Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Mikrotik as Hotspot and RADIUS Server

Mikrotik, to setting hotspot could be very easily, just repeated click in steps until finished. But how with the case where users more than one (the example of the student that brought laptop to the campus plus the guest, friend etc) that the wish continue to be able to connected in the network but continue to be able to in monitored who that login with the maintenance as easily as possible.

Mikrotik membuat setting hotspot bisa dilakukan dengan mudah, cukup klik sana sini selesai. Tapi bagaimana dengan kasus dimana usernya banyak (misal mahasiswa yang bawa laptop ke kampus plus tamu plus bla..bla) yang maunya tetap bisa terkoneksi di jaringan tapi tetap bisa di pantau siapa yang login dengan pemeliharaan semudah mungkin.

Jawabnya / answered:

Tambah dukungan authentifikasi dengan radius di hotspotnya /Add authentifikasi with the radius in hotspot.

Caranya juga mudah, step by stepnya :

1. Login to mikrotik (with winbox, putty etc).

2. Click Radius menu like the following image:

3. Click "+" button

4. Isikan data-data yang sesuai, minimal di bagian/input form with the name as follow :

Service -> pilih hotspot

Address -> input ip address server radius

Secret -> input ‘password’ to connect Radius Server

Authetification Port -> default 1812

Accounting Port -> default 1813

Click Apply

5. Muncul bagian service.

6. Click menu

Ip -> Hotspot -> Active

Untuk melihat user yang sedang menggunakan hotspot.
To look active user that using hotspot

User will login with username and password that given by that worksheet.


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